I’m interested in a talk/make session that engages the question: What does a decolonial, feminist, anti-racist approach to teaching with/about technology look like? I’m interested in talking through this question in the context of an undergraduate and/or graduate digital rhetoric, digital humanities, or new media course. While there is great list of syllabi on FemTechNet of courses on feminisms and gender in relation to technology (femtechnet.newschool.edu/docc-2013-syllabi/), what I’m really interested in is an approach to the “canon” or “core” digital rhetoric/digital humanities/new media course.
In general, I would be interested in talking through specific pedagogical concerns to think about and strategies that can be used, and then making a reading list, syllabus or some other document that can be used by folks interested in taking this sort of approach when teaching with/about technology.
Here’s the Google Doc with the notes from this session: docs.google.com/document/d/1NmOHTai5nlP9TugBECi3VcHFL25GUc_NKwnV3WVccrM/edit?usp=sharing
Hoping the conversation can continue, so please feel free to add to this document!