Jennifer Sano-Franchini – THATCamp Virginia 2015 Tue, 02 Jun 2015 17:39:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Decolonial, Feminist, Anti-racist Approaches to Teaching with/about Technology Fri, 10 Apr 2015 15:16:02 +0000

I’m interested in a talk/make session that engages the question: What does a decolonial, feminist, anti-racist approach to teaching with/about technology look like? I’m interested in talking through this question in the context of an undergraduate and/or graduate digital rhetoric, digital humanities, or new media course. While there is great list of syllabi on FemTechNet of courses on feminisms and gender in relation to technology (, what I’m really interested in is an approach to the “canon” or “core” digital rhetoric/digital humanities/new media course.

In general, I would be interested in talking through specific pedagogical concerns to think about and strategies that can be used, and then making a reading list, syllabus or some other document that can be used by folks interested in taking this sort of approach when teaching with/about technology.


Here’s the Google Doc with the notes from this session:

Hoping the conversation can continue, so please feel free to add to this document!
