Samantha Winn – THATCamp Virginia 2015 Tue, 02 Jun 2015 17:39:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Digital Humanities Projects & (Library) Partnerships Fri, 10 Apr 2015 13:29:40 +0000

[Apologies for posting so late–I forgot my password and never got a reset link, so I’ve asked a colleague to post for me. So, look for me (Kira Dietz) if you want to talk!]

Special Collections at Virginia Tech has been involved in a few digital humanities projects, usually helping to provide original materials, scanning equipment, training, or some combination of those. However, the University Libraries’ staff and faculty here (and at other academic institutions) have a wide variety of skill sets and interests, including some that go far beyond their daily jobs! I’m interested in talking through some questions relating to the idea of partnerships and collaboration. While my particular focus is on libraries and archives, I’m curious to know where else those of you working on DH projects might find collaborators or partners. So, hopefully we can try to answer questions like:

  • Do you look for/have you worked with collaborators outside the main field of your project? If so, from where?
  • What do you look for in a partner/collaborator?
  • What resources, tools, and skills do you need or want access to that you may not have?
  • Do you know what potential partners (like libraries, for example) might be able to bring to your project?
  • How can potential partners let you know they are out there and open to opportunities? How can potential partners best share/promote what they can do?
  • Why should people creating/running DH projects be interested in collaborators? Why should potential partners be interested in DH projects? (In other words, for both sides, what do “we” get out of it?)

I see this primarily as a “talk” session, but it will also be a great opportunity for all of us to “teach” each other what we might bring to a project!

Digital humanities + design records Mon, 06 Apr 2015 19:59:38 +0000

Hello everyone! I’m interested in getting together with some like-minded scholars and practitioners to talk about how architecture and design records in archives can be incorporated into the digital humanities. This is just a simple blurb. I’m excited to see where the conversation might take us. Some ideas for discussion:

  • How do DH folks use architectural and design records?
  • What keeps them from using architectural and design records?
  • What prevents archivists and other cultural heritage professionals from making these records accessible?
  • What can we do about these barriers?
  • What would our ideal future look like? Would it have emulation environments for CAD drawings? 3D printing? Virtual reality viewers?

We produced a Google Doc to capture the salient points of our discussion. Check it out here:



